
Chai Club

  • Dear Friend, 

    Thank you for taking interest in partnering with Chabad of Pacific Beach, where every Jew is family!

    Most Temples require you to pay obligatory dues in order to belong. At Chabad of Pacific Beach we believe that every Jew is already a member. We do not charge a mandatory, one size fits all membership. We have an  open-door policy  , where every single Jew is welcomed and made to feel at home, regardless of affiliation or finances.

    But keeping our doors open is not cheap. Aside from our monthly mortgage and maintenance bills, our  budget has grown significantly  over the past few years. We now run Hebrew School, Friday night Dinners, Shabbat and Holiday Services, weekly classes, monthly programs and Holiday Programming.

    Welcome to our Chai Club!

    Chai means life. Our heart pumps every single day. 115,000 times each day. We often don’t think about the things that keep us alive. But these consistent and sometimes small things are so very important to living.

    A crucial element of our financial stability comes from becoming a Monthly Partner, committed to being a part of everything we do. By pledging to a consistent monthly investment in Chabad of Pacific Beach- this partnership of our Monthly Giving Circle are indeed the lifeline of all our achievements.

    As a convenience, we would be grateful and recommend you choose our hassle-free monthly credit card billing to be automatically charged on the first or fifteenth of every month. At any time you wish, you can increase, decrease or cancel your monthly pledge.

    Join our Chai Club; become our life!

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Thank You to our Chai Club Members:

Taryn J Abelowitz

Elliot & Ellen Adler

Jonathan & Sarah Ableson 

Maya Ahava 

Avi Aronov 

Nadir & Oshrat Shira Avivi 

Dafna Avraham

Lauren Batit 

Malka Benoni

Ronen & Avishag Ravid-Benshoshan 

Shoshana Bernstein 

Alan & Shelley Binder 

Gil Ben Dor  

Matthew Bishop 

Liron & Gali  Blumenthal

Janese Cassel 

Dr Douglas & Dawne Ellison 

Shay & Vicky Elmalah 

Emily Evans

Didi Freiman 

Brett & Donna Friedman

Tess Freedel 

Andrew Gelman 

Jacob Gilbert 

David Goodman 

Margy Goodman 

Eliana Gorham 

Spencer Gottlieb 

Chantal Greenwald 

Devora Hackner

Daniel Haiem

Ethan Haik 

Kortney Hamilton 

Jason Hefter 

Michael Hyman

Levi Jacobson 

Avraham & Hinda Khayut 

Yoni Lalouz 

Bryna Leider 

Yoni Levinger

Semion & Feygl Leyn

Itai Maimon

Yossi & Amy Malka 

Velvel & Chaya Marasow 

Maxim Matkovski 

Rapheal & Karla Menko

Chony & Chanchi Milecki

Yehiel & Bracha Navon

Zach De Nola 

Eran  Ozeri 

Elah Perlman

Ronen & Nora Pessar

Ian Plocky 

Dr Ray & Kim Poliakoff 

Steven Rahmanan

Adam Rahmanan

Nachum Raymond

Dr. Steve & Denise Rindsberg

Ben Revzin

Tara Aiache Reynaud 

Kinneret Rogers

Adam Rozell 

Gabe & Lizzie Rubin

Rachel Ruderman 

Steven Sabel 

Joe & Megan Schwartz 

Drew Schwartz 

William Schwerd

Eran & Alexa Shalom

Benjamin Shaoulian

Iliya Shuster 

Gutman & Mirel Skoblo

Andrey Soloviov 

Ben Steiner 

Ivan & Fiona Strashoon

Lila Swedarsky

Anna Korogodski 

Yosef Krantz

Batia Kvashny 

Ezekiel Taylor 

Shneur Z & Chana Tiefenbrun  

Sholom & Chana Tiefenbrun 

Velvel & Mussie Tiefenbrun 

Amitay & Avital Uliel

Dr Zach & Shira Warburg

Shaul & Mor Wahl  

Gus Weidner 

Richard Warner